Waterford Layout
Coming in through the back door there’s a spacious Boot Room to hold all your outdoor gear. The main Open plan Living, Kitchen & Dining area has bifold doors to the patio. Additionally downstairs there’s a good sized Utility with a walk-in shower, a separate WC and a Study.Â
Garden table, chairs to seat 8, a parasol and 2 sun-loungers. The pretty garden to the rear is safe & secure for children & dogs with room to park 3 cars, and has a bolted down bike rack too. The front garden has beautiful Dune views and the entrance is 20m from our front gate.


4 Bedrooms sleep up to 7 Adults with an additional child (under 12) on a foldout bed. All linen provided including towels (plus beach towels in the summer months). Summer & winter Duvets are feather free.
For small children we have stair gates fitted upstairs and downstairs, a high-chair, utensils and 2 sizes of travel cot (no linen provided).
We're Dog Friendly and can accommodate 2 well behaved dogs over 1 year, there’s a dog bed (no bedding), bowls and a towel.
All Mod Cons
A contemporary log burner in the living room (initial supply of logs Oct - April).
A fully equipped Kitchen with Bosch & Siemens appliances, dishwasher, fridge freezer, drinks fridge, induction hob, built in microwave and oven.
The Utility has all the laundry equipment you need including a washing machine, tumble dryer, ironing board and iron.
Ultrafast Fibre Broadband and free WiFi, please note that mobile reception is unreliable in the village, so there’s a landline phone with an honesty box for when you need to keep in touch, there’s also a WiFi laser printer in the Study.
USB charging points in all the rooms.
Smart TVs have full range of catch-up services as well as access to our subscriptions to Netflix, Prime & Disney+, BluRay players in the lounge and master bedroom. There’s a Music Streamer with internet radio, DAB, CD & Bluetooth in the living room.
Central heating is electric with individual controls for radiators and towel rails, for additional comfort there’s underfloor heating in the bathrooms, utility and kitchen.
Our Guests all get a comprehensive Digital Guide to the House and the local area, with lots of tips and hints to help them get the best out of their holiday in Northumberland, we leave a printed version in the House.
You can charge your EV / PHEV as we have a Type 2 charging socket, if you bring your cable.